Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New kit

Okay I finally got it done. But to me it feels like it's missing something. I may have some alpha add ons later this week. Thats what it feels like it's missing.
I hope you guys enjoy it.
If you download it please leave me some feedback. I love when people leave comments. :)

Download here

Busy busy bee

Well I have been very busy these last few days working on a new x-mas kit. It is going to be called true blue x-mas. I am hoping to have it done today and posted.
I have very happy with the way I have been learning things and how my scrap kits are getting better as I go. :)
I have been using psp for almost 3 years and have learned more in this past month then I ever did.
Okay enough talking I have to go and try and finish my kit so I can post it later today.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A new x-mas kit

I have been hard at work learning and making great things from some great sites. I would list them right now but there are so many. So as soon as I have time today I will go back to all them and write those sites down that have helped me learn to make things. :)
But as always with me I am never happy with my work, but I hope someone else is.
And just to let people a little in to my life. Me and my husband have already been x-mas shopping for the kids and are almost done. Well we put the gifts in the closet downstairs b/c no one goes in there b/c we don't use it, well last night the little one for some unknown reason opened the closet door and found his gifts. But thankfully he only seen a few things. So now the door is locked. Should have thought of that in the first place. HAHA!
well I hope you guys like the new kit.

download here

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well what can I say it's been raining here all day, so it's been one of those days.
I am a little stuck on making scrap kits. I am all new to this so I am not known. As soon as I get a good kit made I plan to post it on some sites that let you post your freebies so I can get known. LOL!
well all I was able to do today was make a page of son playing his webkinz. I like how it turned out. If anyone wants the stuff I made for this scrap page leave me a comment and I will post it as a kit.
Well the kids will be home soon.
bye for now.